Friday, June 28, 2013

One in Three Million

No, that number does not represent the odds you have of finding a job. 

Rather, it's LinkedIn's boast that there are now 3,000,000 organizations which have a company profile on their social media website. I've been nudging you to pay attention to LinkedIn--not only setting up and cultivating your own profile as you look for a job, but following and data-mining the profiles of people and organizations for which you might like to work.

So all you really need is a single company's profile information: the company that will be your next employer. It's your job to search through and figure out which company. 

Remember this principle of 21st century job-hunting strategies: don't search for "a job." Rather, search for "a company," and wait for your job to come available. If it's a large enough company (say, more than 10 people), odds are that with promotions and turnover for various reasons, there is someone currently holding Your Job who will be moving on soon. Be there, front and center, when Your Job becomes available.

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