Friday, September 7, 2012

Network Your Tweeps

You all know that networking is an important part of your job-search portfolio of strategies, right? A friend of a friend knows about a job that hasn't been advertised--or it has been advertised, but not in a place you're looking--or your roommate's mother's sister's step-nephew.... Well, the list of combinations is endless.

The point is that you can't force one of these happy coincidences to happen. But you can orchestrate a much greater likelihood that something will happen by networking actively. That means making new business friends, and engaging a broad spectrum of people in conversation.

But it doesn't necessarily mean face-to-face, we're both wearing suits, here's my resume and my elevator pitch. In fact, you can network in the amount of time it takes you to read this suggestion and the related link. Today's link suggests using Twitter to cultivate a network of folks who may help you advance your career.

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