Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hype Thyself: All About Your Resume

Resumes should offer a quick overview of what you've done, with an eye to showing prospective employers what you can do for them.

I don't recommend producing a bizarre video, website, or even visually unusual resume--especially if you're not applying for a job which has aspects of the kinds of skills you can showcase in such new media. However, some food for thought:

You might set up a website resume that supplements your paper credentials. Here's a link to a handful of online sites, including one targeted to students:

Here's a balanced discussion about what to include on your resume:

The above item has a link to a portfolio of (*ahem*!) highly creative examples of resumes. Before you follow suit, ask yourself whether it will pass the "Six Second Test." That is, will the flashy appeal motivate the employer to focus for any length of time on your dazzling display of dazzling abilities? Or will the difficulty of extracting pertinent information relegate your hard work to the circular file?

Finally, here's a quick review of the basics that employers want to find, in some form, on your resume:

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