Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Study Tips: Not Just for Seniors

Today’s link has a title geared to seniors--”Ten Ways to Suppress College Senioritis”--but also applies to everyone, from freshmen to the oldest fogey professor (like me). Some comments of my own:

#3, daily planner — I have learned to love Google’s calendar. Not only can I see my day (week, month) at a glance, with color coding. I can also get the calendar to send me either email or pop-up reminders as I choose (and I can set up lots of “nag” reminders). Also, when I want to know when in the past I did something, it’s right there on the calendar. Apple has an app that synchs with the calendar for Pod or Phone; I’m willing to bet Android does too!

#6, visit the career center — Good advice for seniors, but also for those in earlier years. Especially for those in earlier years, your senior year will be unbelievably crowded, and the job hunt will be breathing down the back of your neck. It’s easier to do stuff in small steps, when you feel like doing it, and spreading those steps out over time—rather than cramming a desperate rush into a too-short block of time when you’d really rather be doing something else.

#9, the buddy system — College is a great time to build up networks of Future Movers and Shakers. Find someone who will agree to schedule “study dates” or some other form of structured accountability. You can also do this sort of thing over Facebook and other social media, but I suspect it’s more compelling to have a real live person, face to face, with whom you can share a cup of coffee.

1 comment:

  1. Please be aware that if you access this link, you will be able to listen to a one-hour PowerPoint style discussion with some useful ideas. I do not endorse or dis-endorse this webinar (although I've approved it as moderator for this blog). I was required to give an email and address in order to view the webinar; but since I do not wish to receive additional email from this source, I gave information that does not lead to an account I access frequently.


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